Giving back with i=change
Here at Maiz we are very passionate about giving back.
Not only will we do a super fab happy dance (that will definitely include some crumping to 90s RNB) when you make a purchase, we will also spread our gratitude even further to bring abundance to other people’s lives.
Given our products are targeted at children (their conscious and aware parents too!) and future proofing their mental health, we are incredibly passionate about supporting young people and their families in need.
When our apparel launches in JANUARY, $1 from every sale goes to a project run by an NGO that supports children and their families in Australia, and overseas. We have partnered with i=change to give you the power in deciding where your support goes.

Who are i=Change?
i=Change exists to accelerate the impact of extraordinary development projects focused on women and girls’ empowerment. i=Change does this by making it simple and powerful for e-commerce businesses to give back and accelerate their sustainability journey.
They are an Australian run organisation who facilitate 100% of our donations to carefully selected projects with a focus on support, education and protection for young children.
So what does that mean for you?
You will shop, business as usual and checkout as normal on our site. Then, the i=Change platform will appear and you get to choose where your donation goes! You also have the opportunity to track the impact of your donation. Which is incredibly humbling to see it go to those who really need it most, and equally as empowering for these little legends who are on the receiving end.
Thank you for being on this wonderful ride we call life alongside us. We appreciate all the love, gratitude and support we receive and can pass on. We hope to bring some joy into many young people's life, that gives them hope for a more kind and inclusive world and future.